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玉溪E20 Robustart Taq QS II

玉溪E20 Robustart Taq QS II

  • Cname:玉溪Enzyme
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  • Date:2024-06-18 17:24:46
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Product Code: E20

Recommended Application:

1. Fast amplification.

2. Multiple amplification.

3. Direct amplification of blood, swabs, and other samples.

4. Respiratory diseases detection.

Product Introduction:

Robustart Taq QS II is a hot-start fast amplification Taq polymerase. It not only better suppresses non-specific reactions caused by primer non-specific annealing or primer aggregates during PCR system preparation and amplification process, making this product highly specific and more effective for low-concentration template amplification, suitable for multiple PCR amplification reactions; but also has good system adaptability and can obtain stable amplification effects in different types of PCR reactions.

Product Specification:

Concentration: 5 U/µL

RT Temperature: 45~60 ℃

Lyophilization: Yes

Reagent Composition:

1. Robustart Taq QS II

2. PCR Buffer II (Mg2+ free) (optional)

3. MgCl2 (optional)


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