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运城M216 Robustart Premix (Probe qPCR)

运城M216 Robustart Premix (Probe qPCR)

  • Cname:运城Master Mixes
  • Times:Times
  • Date:2024-06-18 17:20:53
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Product Code: M216

Recommended Application:

1. Tumor early screening (methylation detection).

2. Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STD) detection.

3. HBV detection

Product Introduction:

Robustart Premix (Probe qPCR) is a specialized reagent used for qualitative and quantitative Real Time PCR reactions using probe method. It contains Robustart Taq, a hot-start enzyme with Taq activity that is blocked at room temperature, which effectively suppresses non-specific amplification caused by primer annealing at low temperatures or primer dimer formation, thereby improving the specificity of the amplification reaction. This reagent uses an optimized qPCR buffer to obtain good standard curves in a wide range of quantitation areas for accurate quantitation.

Product Specification:

Lyophilization: Yes

Composition of the Premix

1. Superstart Taq plus

2. PCR Buffer

3. MgCl2

4. dNTPs

5. Stabilizer


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